- Local vs distributed representations: What is the right basis for interpretability?
J. Colin, L. Goetschalckx, T. Fel, V. Boutin, J. Gopal, T. Serre* & N. Oliver*
Work in progress
- Tracking objects that change in appearance with phase synchrony
International Conference on Learning Representations
S. Muzellec, D. Linsley, A.K. Ashok, E. Mingolla, G. Malik, R. VanRullen & T. Serre
- The 3D-PC: a benchmark for visual perspective taking in humans and machines
International Conference on Learning Representations
D. Linsley, P. Zhou, A.K. Ashok, A. Nagaraj, G. Gaonkar, F.E. Lewis, Z. Pizlo & T. Serre
- Monkeys engage in visual simulation to solve complex problems
Current Biology
A. Ahuja, N.Y. Rodriguez, A.K. Ashok, T. Serre, T. Desrochers, D. Sheinberg
- RTify: Aligning deep neural networks with human behavioral decisions
Neural Information Processing Systems
Y. Cheng∗, I.F. Rodriguez∗, S. Chen, T. Watanabe & T. Serre
- Understanding visual feature reliance through the lens of complexity
Neural Information Processing Systems
T. Fel, L. Bethune, A.K. Lampinen, T. Serre & K. Hermann
- Beyond the doors of perception: Vision transformers represent relations between objects
Neural Information Processing Systems
M.A. Lepori, A.R. Tartaglini, W.K. Vong, T. Serre, B.M. Lake & E. Pavlick
- Latent representation matters: Human-like sketches in one-shot drawing tasks
Neural Information Processing Systems
V. Boutin, R. Mukherji, A. Agrawal, S. Muzellec, T. Fel, T. Serre & R. VanRullen
- Uncovering intermediate variables in transformers using circuit probing
Conference on Language Modeling
MA. Lepori, T. Serre & E. Pavlick
- Gradient strikes back: How filtering out high frequencies improves explanations
International Conference on Machine Learning
S. Muzellec, T. Fel, V. Boutin, L. Andeol, R. VanRullen & T. Serre
- Deceptive learning in histopathology
S. Shahamatdar, D. Saeed-Vafa, D. Linsley, F. Khalil, K. Lovinger, L. Li, H. McLeod, S. Ramachandran, T. Serre
- Ecological data and objectives align deep neural network representations with humans
"UniReps: Unifying Representations in Neural Models" NeurIPS workshop
A. Nagaraj, A.K. Ashok, D. Linsley, F.E Lewis, P. Zhou & T. Serre
- Categorizing the visual environment and analyzing the visual attention of dogs
S.S Raman, M.H. Pelgrim, D. Buchsbaum & T. Serre
- Fixing the problems of deep neural networks will require better training data and learning algorithms
Behavioral & Brain Sciences
T. Serre & D. Linsley
- Unlocking feature visualization for deeper networks with magnitude constrained optimization
Neural Information Processing Systems
T. Fel, T. Boissin, V. Boutin, A. Picard, P. Novello, J. Colin, D. Linsley, T. Rousseau, R. Cadène, L. Gardes & T. Serre
- Computing a human-like reaction time metric from stable recurrent vision models
Neural Information Processing Systems
L. Goetschalckx, L.N. Govindarajan, A.K. Ashok, A. Ahuja, D.L. Sheinberg & T. Serre
- A holistic approach to unifying automatic concept extraction and concept importance estimation
Neural Information Processing Systems
T. Fel, V. Boutin, M. Moayeri, R. Cadene, L. Bethune, L. Andeol, M. Chalvidal & T. Serre
- Break it down: Evidence for structural compositionality in neural networks
Neural Information Processing Systems
M.A. Lepori, T. Serre & E. Pavlick
- Adversarial alignment: Breaking the trade-off between the strength of an attack and its relevance to human perception
D. Linsley, P. Feng, T. Boissin, A.K. Ashok, T. Fel, S. Olaiya, T. Serre
- Performance-optimized deep neural networks are evolving into worse models of inferotemporal visual cortex
Neural Information Processing Systems
D. Linsley, I.F. Rodriguez, T. Fel, M. Arcaro, S. Sharma, M. Livingstone & T. Serre
- Learning functional transduction
Neural Information Processing Systems
M. Chalvidal, T. Serre & R.VanRullen
- Diagnosing and exploiting the computational demands of videos games for deep reinforcement learning
L.N. Govindarajan, R.G. Liu, D. Linsley, A.K. Ashok, M. Reuter, M.J. Frank & T. Serre
- Diffusion models as artists: Are we closing the gap between humans and machines?
International Conference on Machine Learning
V. Boutin, T. Fel, L. Singhal, R. Mukherji, A. Nagaraj, J Colin & T. Serre
- CRAFT: Concept Recursive Activation FacTorization for explainability
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
T. Fel, A. Picard, L. Bethune, T. Boissin, D. Vigouroux, J. Colin, R. Cadene & T. Serre
- Transcriptomic profiling of cerebrospinal fluid predicts shunt surgery responses in patients with normal pressure hydrocephalus
Z. Levin, O.P. Leary, V. Mora, S. Kant, S. Brown, K. Svokos, U. Akbar, T. Serre, P. Klinge, A. Fleischmann, M.G. Ruocco
- GAMR: A Guided Attention Model for (visual) Reasoning
International Conference on Learning Representations
M Vaishnav & T. Serre
- Don’t lie to me! Robust and efficient explainability with verified perturbation analysis
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
T. Fel, M. Ducoffe, D. Vigouroux, R. Cadène, M. Capelle, C. Nicodème, T. Serre
- The emergence of visual simulation in task-optimized recurrent neural networks
NeurIPS Workshop on Shared Visual Representations in Human & Machine Intelligence
A.K. Ashok, L.N. Govindarajan, D. Linsley, D. Sheinber & T. Serre. T
- Fast inference of spinal neuromodulation for motor control using amortized neural networks
Journal of Neural Engineering
L.N. Govindarajan, J.S. Calvert, S.R. Parker, M. Jung, R. Darie, P. Miranda, E. Shaaya, D.A. Borton* & T. Serre*
- What I cannot predict, I do not understand: A human-centered evaluation framework for explainability methods
Neural Information Processing Systems
T. Fel, J. Colin, R. Cadene & T. Serre
- Harmonizing the object recognition strategies of deep neural networks with humans
Neural Information Processing Systems
T. Fel*, I.F. Rodriguez*, D. Linsley* & T. Serre
- A benchmark for compositional visual reasoning
Neural Information Processing Systems
A. Zerroug, M. Vaishnav, J. Colin, S. Musslick & T. Serre
- Meta-reinforcement learning with self-modifying networks
Neural Information Processing Systems
M. Chalvidal, T. Serre, R. VanRullen
- Diversity vs. recognizability: Human-like generalization in one-shot generative models
Neural Information Processing Systems
V. Boutin, L. Singhal, X. Thomas & T. Serre
- A practitioner’s guide to improve the logistics of spatiotemporal deep neural networks
Workshop on visual observation and analysis of Vertebrate And Insect Behavior (VAIB)
L.N. Govindarajan, R. Kakodkar & T. Serre
- Xplique: A deep learning explainability toolbox
CVPR workshop on XAI4CV: Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Computer Vision
T. Fel, L. Hervier, D. Vigouroux, A. Poche, J. Plakoo, R. Cadene, M. Chalvidal, J. Colin, T.. Boissin, L. Bethune, A. Picard, C. Nicodeme, L. Gardes, G. Flandin & T. Serre
- Decoding family-level features for modern and fossil leaves from computer-vision heat maps
American Journal of Botany
E.J. Spagnuolo, P. Wilf & T. Serre
- How and what to learn: Taxonomizing self-supervised learning for 3D action recognition
Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision
A. Ben Tanfous, A. Zerroug, D. Linsley & T. Serre
- How good is your explanation? Algorithmic stability measures to assess the quality of explanations for deep neural networks
Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision
T Fel, D. Vigouroux, R. Cadene & T. Serre
- Understanding the computational demands underlying visual reasoning
Neural Computation
M.Vaishnav, R. Cadene, A. Alamia, D. Linsley, R. VanRullen & T. Serre
- Super-human cell death detection with biomarker-optimized neural networks
Science Advances
J.W. Linsley, D.A. Linsley, J. Lamstein, G. Ryan, K. Shah, N.A. Castello, V. Oza, J. Kalra, S. Wang, Z. Tokuno, A. Javaherian, T. Serre & S. Finkbeiner
- Look at the variance! Efficient black-box explanations with Sobol-based sensitivity analysis
Neural Information Processing Systems
T. Fel, R. Cadene, M. Chalvidal, M. Cord, D. Vigouroux & T. Serre.
- KuraNet: systems of coupled oscillators that learn to synchronize
M. Ricci, M. Jung, Y. Zhang, M. Chalvidal, A. Soni & T. Serre
- Tracking without re-recognition in humans and machines
Neural Information Processing Systems
D. Linsley*, G. Malik*, J.K. Kim, L.N. Govindarajan, E. Mingolla^, T. Serre^
- The challenge of appearance-free object tracking with feedforward neural networks
CVPR Workshop on Dynamic Neural Networks Meets Computer Vision
G. Malik, D. Linsley, T. Serre & E. Mingolla
- An image dataset of cleared, x-rayed, and fossil leaves vetted to plant family for human and machine learning
P. Wilf, S.L. Wing, H.W. Meyer, J.A. Rose, R. Saha, T. Serre, N.R. Cúneo, M.P. Donovan, D.M. Erwin, M.A. Gandolfo, E. González-Akre, F. Herrera, S. Hu, A. Iglesias, K.R. Johnson, T.S. Karim & X. Zou
- Deep learning networks and visual perception
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Psychology
G. Lindsay & T. Serre
- Go with the flow: Adaptive control for Neural ODEs
International Conference on Learning Representations
M. Chalvidal, M. Ricci, R. VanRullen, T. Serre
- Using computational analysis of behavior to discover developmental change in memory-guided attention mechanisms in childhood
D. Amso, L. Govindarajan, P. Gupta, H. Baumgartner, A. Lynn, K. Gunther, D. Placido, T. Sharma, V. Veerabadran, K. Thakkar, S. Kim & T. Serre
- Iterative VAE as a predictive brain model for out-of-distribution generalization
NeurIPS workshop on Shared Visual Representations in Human and Machine Intelligence (SVRHM)
V. Boutin, A. Zerroug, M. Jung, & Thomas Serre
- Same-different conceptualization: A machine vision perspective
Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences
M. Ricci, R. Cadene & T. Serre
- Stable and expressive recurrent vision models
Neural Information Processing Systems
D. Linsley, A.K. Ashok, L.N. Govindarajan, R. Liu & T. Serre
- Hierarchical models of the visual system
Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience
M. Ricci & T. Serre
- Discriminating between sleep and exercise-induced fatigue using computer vision and behavioral genetics
Journal of Neurogenetics
K.N. Schuch†, L.N. Govindarajan,†, Y. Guo, S.N. Baskoylu, S. Kim, B. Kimia, T. Serre‡, & A.C. Hart‡
- Differential involvement of EEG oscillatory components in sameness vs. spatial-relation visual reasoning tasks
A. Alamia, C. Luo, M. Ricci, J. Kim, T. Serre & R. VanRullen
- Beyond the feedforward sweep: feedback computations in the visual cortex
The Year in Cognitive Neuroscience
G. Kreiman & T. Serre
- Disentangling neural mechanisms for perceptual grouping
International Conference on Learning Representations
J.K. Kim*, D. Linsley*, K. Thakkar & T. Serre
- Recurrent neural circuits for contours detection
International Conference on Learning Representations
D. Linsley*, J.K. Kim*, A. Ashok & T. Serre
- Development of a deep learning algorithm for the histopathologic diagnosis and gleason grading of prostate cancer biopsies: A pilot study
European urology focus
O. Kott*, D. Linsley*, A. Karagounis, C. Jeffers, G. Dragan, Ali Amin, T. Serre** & B. Gershman**
- Deep learning: the good, the bad and the ugly
Annual Review of Vision Science
T. Serre & S. Leone
- Learning what and where to attend
International Conference on Learning Representations
D. Linsley, D. Schiebler, S. Eberhardt & T. Serre
- Robust neural circuit reconstruction from serial electron microscopy with convolutional recurrent networks
D. Linsley, J.K. Kim, D. Berson & T. Serre
- Early life stress leads to sex differences in development of depressive-like outcomes in a mouse model
H. Goodwill, G. Manzano-Nieves, M. Gallo, H.I. Lee, E. Oyerinde, T. Serre & K. Bath
- Robust pose tracking with a joint model of appearance and shape
Y. Guo, L.N. Govindarajan, B. Kimia & T. Serre
- Learning long-range spatial dependencies with horizontal gated-recurrent units
Neural Information Processing Systems
D. Linsley, J. Kim, V. Veerabadran, C. Windolf & T. Serre
- Complementary surrounds explain diversity of contextual phenomena across visual modalities*
Psychological Review
D.A. Mely, D. Linsley & T. Serre
- Neural computing on a raspberry pi: Applications to zebrafish behavior monitoring*
Visual observation and analysis of Vertebrate And Insect Behavior (VAIB)
L. Govindarajan, T. Sharma, R. Colwill & T. Serre
- Not-So-CLEVR: learning same–different relations strains feedforward neural networks
Royal Society Interface Focus
J.K Kim, M. Ricci & T. Serre
- Same-different problems strain convolutional neural networks
Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society
M. Ricci, J.K. Kim & T. Serre
- TDP-43 gains function due to perturbed auto-regulation in a Tardbp knock-in mouse model of ALS-FTD
Nature Neuroscience
M.A. White et al
- Learning to predict action potentials end-to-end from calcium imaging data
IEEE Conference on Information Sciences and Systems
D Linsley, J Linsley, T Sharma, N Meyers & T Serre
- What are the visual features underlying human versus machine vision?
IEEE ICCV Workshop on the Mutual Benefit of Cognitive and Computer Vision
D Linsley, S Eberhardt, T Sharma, P Gupta & T Serre
- Models of visual categorization
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science
T. Serre
- How deep is the feature analysis underlying rapid visual categorization?
Neural Information Processing Systems
S. Eberhardt, J. Cader & T. Serre
- Computer vision cracks the leaf code
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
P. Wilf, S. Zhang, S. Chikkerur, S. Little, S. Wing & T. Serre
- Fast ventral stream neural activity enables rapid visual categorization
M. Cauchoix*, S.M. Crouzet*, D. Fize & T. Serre
- Source modelling of ElectroCorticoGraphy (ECoG) data: Analysis of stability and spatial filtering
Journal of Neuroscience Methods
A. Pascarella, C. Todaro, M. Clerc, T. Serre and M. Piana
- Towards a theory of computation in the visual cortex
Computational and Cognitive Neuroscience of Vision
D. Mely & T. Serre
- An end-to-end generative framework for video segmentation and recognition
IEEE Winter conference on Applications of Computer Vision
H. Kuehne, J. Galle & T. Serre
- A systematic comparison between visual cues for boundary detection
Vision Research (Special Issue on Vision and the Statistics of the Natural Environment)
D.A. Mély, J. Kim, M. McGill, Y. Guo and T. Serre
- Explaining the timing of natural scene understanding with a computational model of perceptual categorization
PLoS Computational Biology
I. Sofer, S. Crouzet & T. Serre
- Unsupervised invariance learning of transformation sequences in a model of object recognition yields selectivity for non-accidental properties
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience
S.M. Parker & T. Serre
- Reduced expression of MYC increases longevity and enhances healthspan
J.W. Hofmann et al
- The neural dynamics of face detection in the wild revealed by MVPA
Journal of Neuroscience
M. Cauchoix^, G. Barragan-Jason^, T. Serre* & E.J. Barbeau* (^,* are authors with equal contributions)
- Neuronal synchrony in complex-valued deep networks
International Conference on Learning Representations
D. Reichert & T. Serre
- The language of actions: Recovering the syntax and semantics of goal-directed human activities
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
H. Kuehne, A. Arlsan & T. Serre
- Hierarchical models of the visual system
Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience
T. Serre
- Learning sparse prototypes for crowd perception via ensemble coding mechanisms
5th International Workshop on Human Behavior Understanding
Y. Zhang, S. Zhang, Q. Huang & T. Serre
- Neural representation of action sequences: How far can a simple snippet-matching model take us?
Neural Information Processing Systems
C. Tan, J. Singer, T. Serre, D. Sheinberg & T. Poggio
- Models of the visual cortex
Scholarpedia, 8(4):3516.
T. Poggio & T. Serre
- The ankyrin 3 (ANK3) bipolar disorder gene regulates mood-related behaviors that are modulated by lithium and stress*
Biological Psychiatry
M. Leussis, E. Berry-Scott, M. Saito, H. Jhuang, G. Haan, O. Alkan, C. Luce, J. Madison, P. Sklar, T. Serre, D. Root, T. Petryshen
- A new biologically inspired color image descriptor
Proceedings of the European Computer Vision Conference
J. Zhang, Y. Barhomi, T. Serre
- The neural dynamics of visual processing in monkey extrastriate cortex: A comparison between univariate and multivariate techniques
Neural Information Processing Systems – Workshop on Machine Learning and Interpretation in Neuroimaging
M. Cauchoix, A. Arslan, D. Fize, T. Serre
- What are the visual features underlying rapid recognition?
Frontiers in Psychology
S.M. Crouzet & T. Serre
- Object decoding with attention in inferior temporal cortex
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Y. Zhang*, E. Meyers*, N. Bichot, T. Serre, T. Poggio, R. Desimone
- HMDB: A large video database for human motion recognition
IEEE International Computer Vision Conference
H. Kuhne, H. Jhuang, E. Garrote, T. Poggio, T. Serre
- Automated home-cage behavioral phenotyping of mice
Nature Communications
H. Jhuang, E. Garrote, X. Yu, V. Khilnani, T. Poggio, A. Steele, T. Serre
- What and where: A Bayesian inference theory of attention
Vision Research
S. Chikkerur, T. Serre, C. Tan, T. Poggio
- Elements for a neural theory of the processing of dynamic faces
Dynamic Faces: Insights from Experiments and Computation
T. Serre, M. Giese
- Reading the mind’s eye: Decoding category information during mental imagery
L. Reddy, N. Tsuchyia, T. Serre
- The story of a single cell: Peeking into the semantics of spikes
IAPR Workshop on Cognitive Information Processing
R. Kliper, T. Serre, D. Weinshall, I. Nelken
- A neuromorphic approach to computer vision
Communications of the ACM
T. Serre & T. Poggio
- Attentive processing improves object recognition
MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Technical Report
S. Chikkerur, T. Serre, T. Poggio
- A Bayesian inference theory of attention: neuroscience and algorithms
MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Technical Report
S. Chikkerur, T. Serre, T. Poggio
- Robust object recognition with cortex-like mechanisms
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
T. Serre, L. Wolf, S. Bileschi, M. Riesenhuber & T. Poggio
- A feedforward architecture accounts for rapid categorization*
Proceedings of the National Academy of Science
T. Serre, A. Oliva, T. Poggio
- A quantitative theory of immediate visual recognition
Progress in Brain Research, Computational Neuroscience: Theoretical Insights into Brain Function
T. Serre, G. Kreiman, M. Kouh, C. Cadieu, U. Knoblich, T. Poggio
- Learning complex cell invariance from natural videos: a plausibility proof
MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Technical Report
T. Masquelier, T. Serre, S. Thorpe, T. Poggio
- A biologically inspired system for action recognition
Proceedings of the Eleventh IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision
H. Jhuang, T. Serre, L. Wolf, T. Poggio
- A component-based framework for face detection and identification
International Journal of Computer Vision
B. Heisele, T. Serre, T. Poggio
- Learning a dictionary of shape-components in visual cortex: Comparison with neurons, humans and machines
MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Technical Report
T. Serre
- A theory of object recognition: computations and circuits in the feedforward path of the ventral stream in primate visual cortex
MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
T. Serre, M. Kouh, C. Cadieu, U. Knoblich, G. Kreiman, T. Poggio
- Learning features of intermediate complexity for the recognition of biological motion
ICANN 2005
R. Sigala, T. Serre, T. Poggio, M. Giese
- Object recognition with features inspired by visual cortex
IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference
T. Serre, L. Wolf, T. Poggio
- Error weighted classifier combination for multi-modal human identification
MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Technical Report
Y. Ivanov, T. Serre, J. Bouvrie
- Realistic modeling of simple and complex cell tuning in the HMAX model, and implications for invariant object recognition in cortex
MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
T. Serre, M. Riesenhuber
- A new biologically motivated framework for robust object recognition
MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
T. Serre, L. Wolf, T. Poggio
- Using component features for face recognition
International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition
Y. Ivanov, B. Heisele, T. Serre
- Hierarchical classification and feature reduction for fast face detection with support vector machines
Pattern Recognition
B. Heisele, T. Serre, S. Prentice, T. Poggio
- On the role of object-specific features for real-world object recognition in biological vision
Workshop on Biologically Motivated Computer Vision
T. Serre, J. Louie, M. Riesenhuber, T. Poggio
- Categorization by learning and combining object parts
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems
B. Heisele, T. Serre, M. Pontil, T. Vetter, T. Poggio
- Feature reduction and hierarchy of classifiers for fast object detection in video images
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
B. Heisele, T. Serre, S. Mukherjee, T. Poggio
- Component-based face detection
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
B. Heisele, T. Serre, M. Pontil, T. Poggio
- Feature selection for face detection
MIT Center for Biological and Computational Learning
T. Serre, B. Heisele, S. Mukherjee, T. Poggio
"*" denotes supplementary information for the corresponding publication
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